Establishing the World’s First Automated Liquid Crystal Recycling Plant

INNOLUX has built a “highly efficient circular green factory” with five major in-house cycles, name “raw materials, water resources, packaging materials, energy, and logistics,” integrating upstream and downstream external partners and digital management to maximize the use of resources.

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are the world’s mainstream display components, but scrapped product disposal is a big problem. The current dismantling and recycling method cannot effectively deal with discarded LCD panels, leading to them being sent to landfills and causing environmental harm.

Raw material recycling: Liquid crystal recycling and chemical recycling

INNOLUX and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) cooperated to build “the world’s first automated liquid crystal circular factory,” introducing zero-waste automated processes to separate LCD panels and recycle liquid crystals and glass. In 2022, liquid crystal extraction technology was extended to non-integral fragmented glass. INNOLUX and the ITRI also jointly developed a chemical recycling system to reduce the purchase of chemical raw materials and liquid waste.

Circularity of water and energy

INNOLUX has converted wastewater into biomass energy, becoming the first company in the electronics industry in Taiwan to introduce a wastewater anaerobic biogas power generation system. The company has developed water-saving technologies and processes water recycling to improve water efficiency.

Packaging materials and logistics recycling

INNOLUX has improved the recycling of packaging materials and promoted the recycling of upstream and downstream packaging materials.Through a logistics management platform, INNOLUX controls the status of import and export containers, reducing the use of empty containers, increasing the loading rate, and lowering transportation carbon emissions.


  • Recycled 1,572 tons of LCD panels, extracted 0.47 tons of liquid crystals, and reduced carbon emissions by approximately 790 tons in 2023.
  • The chemical recycling rate is 81.6% in 2023, reducing the amount of organic waste liquid treatment, with a waste landfill rate of only 0.65%.
  • The process water recycling rate is 97.6% in 2023, a new record high, saving approximately the equivalent of 240 standard swimming pools of water.