Launching Net-Zero Carbon Emission Backpacks Integrated with Recycled PET from Marine Debris and Circular Models

deya created Taiwan’s first carbon-neutral zero-carbon backpacks. Leading the supply chain to form “Taiwan’s low-carbon bag production chain,” deya has launched backpacks made of recycled marine debris, with 90% mono-material rPET, and built a closed circular system to promote circular economy concepts and green consumption models.

Mono-materials, key to low-carbon recycling model for backpacks

deya is committed to circular economy practices and has launched backpacks made of 90% sea waste PET bottles. From fabrics and fasteners to webbing, these backpacks utilize a mono-material design. After a backpack’s service life is over, it can be physically recycled into rPET raw materials, which can then be used to make new products. This initiative is complemented by an international carbon offset program to launch a net-zero carbon emission backpack.

Separating, repairing, and reusing backpacks to extend their product lifecycle

deya has launched different project models for cooperation businesses and consumers to encourage users to return products to the deya system to further implement product lifecycle management.

  • Through the “Bring Backpacks Home!” closed recycling mechanism, deya established a sustainable backpack model to encourage customers or consumers to deliver unused backpacks to deya for recycling and receive rewards.
  • deya also provides repair services to extend the life of backpacks; in addition, second-hand backpacks can also be donated to rural units in need to maximize the social value of backpack products.


  • The carbon emissions from producing one deya Ocean Classic Backpack are about 0.8 kg of CO2e less than a backpack made from virgin materials.
  • In 2024, deya also obtained the SGS Carbon Neutrality Certification, becoming Taiwan’s first zero-carbon backpack.