Case Studies・HOW

product design

An environmentally conscious laptop computer made using recycled materials and featuring an easy-to-repair design.

Acer launched its first environmentally-

Recycle to Recycle, Reuse of Discarded Clothes

With waste-reducing as the process, zero

Reusable Package—Flexible and Logical Material Choice

Cha Tzu Tang considers sustainability no

From Disposable to Reusable with a Togo-Container-Rental Service

GoodToGo is a food container rental serv

Innovative Business Models: Everything Is Washable

G-winner’s innovative business model—off

Circular Architecture-Sells Residential Services and Does Not Sell Houses

Transitioning towards a more circular wo

The Holland Pavilion at the 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition: the First Circular Building in Taiwan

The Netherlands Trade and Investment Off

First Pavilion Built Out of 100% Recycled PET Bottles

The EcoARK Pavilion locates in Taipei, T

Eco-Friendly Store based on Zero Waste Life

Home Work is a platform for all the wond

We Are Going to Build a Mine Cycle in Our World.

SDTI, Renato Lab, Dot Design, and Hum Ch

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