Transitioning towards a more circular world
TSC is devoting in taking an initiative to experiment with the new economc model. In response to the issue of circular economy, Taisugar Circular Village(TCV) designed by Bio-architecture Formosana adopts the regenerative concept where the outputs of one system are the inputs of another. This project is the first residential case of this theme in Taiwan.
( English provided by company. )
Envisioning Circular Economy in Built Environment
A circular architecture aims to generate prosperity and economic resilience for itself and its citizens, while decoupling value creation from the consumption of finite resources.
Circular Policy: from Production to Up-cycling
The materials used in creating TCV include recycled materials and green materials. For instance, the salvaged hardwood from TSC old dilapidated buildings will be used as the main structure for the E- House while their recycled railway tracks will be designed as fence on the ground periphery.
Design for disassembly, Modular design, BAMB (Building as material bank), pre-fabrication and pre-cast construction system are the other concepts as it provides flexibility and increase adaptability of the system.
The recycling mechanism in the Circular Village includes “Building materials can be recycled”, “rain, water circulation”, “solar applications”, “food waste recycling”, “heat pump system”, etc. In addition, unlike the traditional linear economy, the elevators, air-conditioning and home appliances, solar power equipment, sanitary equipment, lighting systems, etc. installed in this case abandoned the previous one-time procurement model, and switched to the manufacturer to lease services, and the sustainable economy of the circular economy. Business model is expected to create an emerging business model for the country.
Circular Living: from Ownership to Sharing & Renting
TSC will be renting out the apartments and provide all necessary maintenance to the residents ranging from building all the way to furniture and electrical appliances. As such, the user will pay to use and not pay to own. Other shared facilities includes shared kitchen, shared living room, shared electric car, scooter are available within the village.
- TSC has planned a high-quality environmentally friendly residential that provides for more than 300 apartments in Shalun.