Case Studies・WHAT

high-value utilization

The Comprehensive Utilization of Camellia Oleifera

Taiwan’s Innovative AgriDragon Biomimicry Farming System

Our patented AgriDragon Biomimicry Farmi

Social Assistance System in the Circular Economy

1919 Food Bank is committed to helping t

Bioresource Data Mining Creates Values from Agricultural By-products

TCI Co., Ltd. has been reutilizing agric

Textile Eco-Industrial Park Sustainability Model

Everest Textile upholds the “cradle to c

Create the Food Waste Revolution Through Bio-Technology and Innovative Design

Bionicraft is a BioLab/R&D/Design studio

Donghaifeng Agricultural Circular Park Upgrades The Livestock Industry

To achieve the goal of a high-value cycl

Full Use of Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Upholding the original intention of cher

Biogas Generation that Can Generate Probiotics for Farming

In 2017, Universe Circular Technology co

Pick Surplus Ingredients Back to Our Daily Life

Food loss and food waste happen in every

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