In 2017, Universe Circular Technology collaborated with Agriforward to cope with hog manure treatment in Pintung. The total amount of waste treatment can reach to 120 tons per day. Via patent of Universe Circular Technology, we generate high purity of biogas from hog manure with low concentration, and also generate fertilizer through specific earthworm digestion techniques. Also, we extract photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) from residue after biogas generation as probiotics for farming managements.
( English provided by company. )
Founder of Universe Circular Technology, Nelson, Fang, finds animal husbandry pollution in Taiwan is an existing problem without good resolutions. As a father, Nelson hopes to create a sustainable and clean environment for his daughter. So he devotes himself into circular economic and collaborate with Agriforward to accomplish a comprehensive resolution to husbandry pollution.
Universe Circular Technology believes in “customer-centered “services. Before biogas plant construction, we will conduct interviews with clients and provide comprehensive services, such as assisting with required documents preparation for plant construction, integrating clients with construction companies, setting up power generation equipment and completing the whole power generation process.
Furthermore, Universe Circular Technology also introduces IoT solution with biogas power generation plant to burn out remained biogas in plant during bad weather condition, which can be simply controlled via smart phone to prevent unavoidable public danger.
Solid part of hog manure is treated via earthworm digestion, a technique from Agriforward which is to generate popular farming fertilizer. Also, the reside liquid after biogas fermentation can be extracted to produce photosynthetic bacteria for increasing production of banana, rice, lemon or orange. Via such microorganism used in farming, we can fulfill farming management without chemical usage. Promotion and application of photosynthetic bacteria is now executing in Yuli, Hualian though the collaboration between Agriforward and Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association.
Through this project, we generate more than 1800 kilograms of fertilizer. According to this project, we execute comprehensive resolution to hog manure treatment, letting “clean energy generation, cultivation and sustainable farming” to form a win-win situation and fulfill waste water well-treatment, safe crop production and environmental protection.
- Until 2018, we have coped with 4 large-scale hog farms which is are more than 30,000 hogs.
- We have treated more than 5000 liter of solid state hog manure through earthworm digestion, and nearly 20,000 liter of solid cattle manure.
- We generate more than 1800 kilograms of fertilizer.