Case Studies・Taxonomy


Establishing a Toy Recycling and Sharing System

The Taiwan Toy Library Association has r

Offering Imperfect Items for a More Circular Lifestyles

Utilizing maintenance grading, restyle20

Creating a C2C Home Appliance Sharing Platform

DDZ provides a home appliance sharing an

Reducing Operational Risks in Hot Pot Restaurants Through Induction Stoves-as-a-Service

Jye The Lih (JTL) has launched a commerc

Pioneering the First Water Heater Leasing in Social Housing

Jye The Lih (JTL) introduced a leasing m

Establishing a Furniture Leasing and Refurbishing Resale Platform

Through the servitization of office furn

Revitalizing State-Owned Enterprise’s Restaurant Space Through Furniture-as-a-Service

Taking the lead in the public sector, Ta

Enabling the Aluminum Industry to Upcycle the Aluminum Slag

Good Furnace Refractory has cooperated w

Implementing the Reusable System Formwork for the Construction of Data Centers

Feng Yu United Engineering introduced al

Exploring Cross-Industry Circularity by Recycling Waste Fabric into Building Panels

Pontex employs fiber recycling technolog

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