The Circular Economy: towards net-zero 2050

55% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the production and use of energy, and the remaining 45% come from the way we make products to fulfil our daily needs. To move towards net zero, in addition to using renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, it is crucial to reduce emissions by changing the way we use resources.

A circular economy offers a systematic approach to tackle the climate crisis. In a circular economy, we “make-use-circulate” the resources. Such a system can reduce the exploitation of natural resources, avoids wasting energy through product manufacturing, and improves resource efficiency at the same time. Adopting a circular economy is the key to achieve net zero emissions.

Kick-off circular collaboration through dialogues

No single company can achieve net zero emissions alone. To redesign the way companies use resources and the business model behind it, companies need to work with supply chains, brands, and other stakeholders. However, the circular economy is a complex system to understand, and it is time-consuming to align knowledge level and expectation with multiple-stakeholders. When the business environment changes rapidly, companies need a new methodology to break through conventional thinking and understand the whole picture of the circular economy in a short period of time. Explore the Circular Economy: training and dialogue workshop is a tool for companies and organizations to engage employees and stakeholders through exploring opportunities in the circular economy.

Unlike conventional methods of learning, we adopts a unique learning methodology - the DialogMat to simplify the complexity of the knowledge and transform it to dialogues. It is an interactive process between participants and the DialogMat. Participants will start the journey from understanding linear risks and the connection between circular economy and net zero target, and to the circular principles. In the workshop, participants can expect intensive dialogues in order to understand mindsets and experience from each other, and kick off an exploration journey in the circular economy.

/ The value of the workshop /

Participants can

  • Quickly understand the whole picture of the circular economy and improve the ability to think systematically
  • Dialogue with cross-industry and cross-organization participants to gain diverse perspectives
  • Break through the traditional way of thinking through the methodology of group learning

/ Content & the process of the workshop/

The exploration workshop disassembles the complex concept of circular economy into multiple modules, and guides participants to gradually understand the thinking, principles and methods of circular economy through group discussions, and then explore potential opportunities of circular economy with participants. It covers:

  • Why go circular: linear risks and the importance of a circular economy for net-zero emissions
  • Circular economy: technical and biological cycles and its principles
  • Exploration: opportunities for industries in circular economy

The exploratory workshop uses a variety of visual tools - DialogMat, videos, and cases, and the facilitator inspires group reflection and discussion.

  • Grouping: 4 people form 1 group, the scale of the session can be adjusted according to the needs of the organization
  • Duration: 6 hours a day (excluding lunch and breaks)
  • Language: currently conducted in Mandarin

/ Workshop Tools /

/ Development team /

The development team is composed of experts specializing in circular economy & designing interactive learning modules. 


Founded in France in 1990, SPECIFIQUE is a multinational consulting firm. With a unique methodology, DialogMat helps companies overcome challenges in marketing, sales and brand management, and assists companies in dealing with change, transformation, organizational strength, process improvement and CIS re-engineering. Accumulated more than 500 projects, implemented in 65+ countries, and translated into 15+ languages, used by more than 1.5 million people worldwide. Major customers include Nestle, Volvo, Johnson & Johnson, AUO, etc.

Circular Taiwan Network

Founded in 2015, the Circular Taiwan Foundation is the first non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the development of the circular economy in Taiwan. Through communication, advocacy, and links with industry, government, academia, research, and the public, it drives the transformation of Taiwan's industry and society. Published "Circular Economy" in 2017, "Circular Taiwan" in 2021, hosted the "Asia-Pacific Circular Economy Forum" in 2019 and started to operate the "CoPartner Platform" that supports enterprises.