Case Studies・Taxonomy


Establishing the World’s First Automated Liquid Crystal Recycling Plant

INNOLUX has built a “highly efficient ci

Introducing Laptops Featuring Recycled Materials and Easy-to-Repair Designs

Acer has launched the Aspire Vero laptop

Building Mono-material Mobile Phone Cases and Circular Supply Chains

RHINOSHIELD, a leading brand of protecti

Circulating and Recycling of Electrical and Electronics Waste

In response to extended producer respons

An environmentally conscious laptop computer made using recycled materials and featuring an easy-to-repair design.

Acer launched its first environmentally-

Industrial Collaboration–Moving Forward to Circular Economy

Based on the circular economy, we will f

The First Case, Converted Ammonia Wastewater into Raw Material of Semiconductor

TSMC endeavors to be a circular economy

Industry First – Recycle of Semiconductor-Grade Copper Materials

TSMC endeavors to be an practitioner of

TPCA Announces “Circular Economy Roadmap of Taiwan PCB Industry”

TPCA has commissioned the Industrial Tec

100% Recycling of Process Water in the Optronics Industry

The world is facing crisis and challenge

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