Case Studies・Taxonomy


Recycling Asphalt Millings into High-Strength Road Paving

The Industrial Technology Research Insti

Crafting Premium Automotive Wheels from Process-Recycled Aluminum

Through a circular economy production mo

Developing Easily Disassemblable and Material-Recyclable Bicycle Pedals

Through cross-industry cooperation, VP C

Building the World’s Largest Battery Swapping Network

Gogoro promotes green transportation thr

On Demand E-Scooter SMART Sharing Service

Innovative Internet of Vehicle technolog

Improving Road Service Life with Green Building Materials-BOFS Aggregates

CHC Resources Corporation devotes to inn

Turning Pyrolysis Fuel Oil into Soft Carbon Materials Used in Electric Vehicles

In CPC, we turn petrochemical by-product

Power Plant Zero Waste-Coal Ash Utilization as an Example

Industrial symbiosis creates value of co

New Value for Car Seat Production

In order to improve the utility of mater

Rotating a Cooperation From Waste Tires to Wetsuits

The reason for Enrestec's success is th